Jason Brett Serle on Full Spectrum Liberation:


“Although as a therapist I am trained in the use of NLP and hypnosis, my practice is far broader. We are far more complex and more intimately interconnected with all things than one approach can possibly encapsulate effectively. As a result, my approach is ‘full spectrum’ and includes considerations of diet, health and toxicity for the body, spiritual practice and study for the spirit as well as the classic concerns of mental well-being for the mind. In a world where the system supposedly designed to ensure our liberties is quickly undermining them and aiding the degradation of our physical, mental and spiritual well-being rather than elevating it, my work also involves the theory and practice of sovereignty in all its manifestations, whether from a lawful standpoint or the practical means of becoming more self-sufficient and escaping the tacit traps of dependency. The moniker I have given to this work then is Full Spectrum Liberation. It is not enough to have a free body if the mind is enslaved or the spirit, unrealised. Nor is it an enviable situation to be mentally free and yet enslaved by debt or the rapidly encroaching surveillance state. My personal work follows this principle and this is what I care to share with others – to Stand Up, Grow Up and Wake Up. We must Stand Up, as free and sovereign men and women. We must understand natural law, duty and rights, otherwise they will be surreptitiously taken from us. We must also understand commerce and how to not fall victim to presumption and acquiescence. We must Grow Up – take responsibility for our health, face our traumas, integrate our shadow, learn to be authentic and responsible adults in the truest sense. Underpinning all of this, we must Wake Up by realising our truest and deepest nature as transcendent, pure, radiant Consciousness – the Great Work of all authentic spiritual traditions. This is my purpose. This is my path. My therapeutic practice then is simply the part that involves helping others along who are heading in the same direction.”